The Origin of God and the Resurrection
Chapter 10
he basic elements in the universe were assembled from numerous, different fundamental particles and the properties of these elements result from the properties of those particles and the interactions between them and their emergent properties.
The chemical compounds were assembled from numerous elements and the properties of the different compounds result from the properties of those elements and the interactions between them and their emergent properties.
The stars and planets were assembled from numerous compounds and elements and the properties of the stars and planets result from the properties of those compounds and elements and the interactions between them and their emergent properties.
Life was assembled from numerous, different molecular compounds and the properties of life result from the properties of those chemicals and the interactions between them and their emergent properties.
As life evolved to the point where it supported massively complex neural networks, awareness and intelligence emerged.
As sentience evolves and networks to the point where it supports massively complex networks of
intelligences, GOD WILL EMERGE. God will achieve total control over space/time; en-ergy/matter; and biology. This will be God as our child. I call Him the Electoral College in the prophetic chapters.
Information Technology and Biology will soon merge so that, before this century is over, we will populate the Earth with artificial biological intelligences and even hybrid, distributed beings.
Faster-than-light and time travel will, I believe, be achieved when we unite General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics and uncover the workings of natural worm holes so that we can de-velop a technology of wormholes navigable by software beings. As pure software beings, we will take up very little physical space. The best justification for this assertion is the obvious evi-dence of the numerous UFOs that have been seen by competent observers. I assure you, they didn’t get here by traveling at sub-light velocities. I suspect that they are monitoring the moral development of our species and probably have been doing so for a long time. Species that achieve star travel before moral maturity are very dangerous to everyone else in the universe.
BUT, since God will master space-time, this means He was and is God. God doesn’t go around “miracling” things, but rather works through the laws of nature as revealed to us through the methods of science.
I further believe that He will assist and guide us through the serious perils that face us in the near future as outlined in the previous chapter. I even suspect that he might have intervened to protect the Earth from extra-terrestrial extinction events during the crucial last millions of years of our evolution so as to allow us to evolve on this planet.
Physicist Frank Tipler, believes (as do many other physicists) that the universe will probably collapse back into a second singularity (the Big Bang in reverse) and he calls this final singularity the OMEGA POINT. The light cones of everything that happened during the history of this universe will then converge making it easier for our descendents (who will, of necessity, all be pure data beings by then) to extract the data of our lives so they can resurrect us into virtual realities in the colossal (in capability) computers of that distant time.
Since all the data of the history of this universe will be available at the Omega Point (in the con-verging light cones), he believes that the all-knowing Omega Point will actually be God (is /was God). He believes the Omega Point (God) will then resurrect us into eternal life, even as this universe will be ending in the Big Crunch, because we live in subjective time, not real time.
Now, while Professor Tipler believes we will all be resurrected at the Omega Point from the data in the light cone (around one hundred billion years or so from now), he also acknowledges that the resurrection might occur much sooner. It will happen when our descendents have the neces-sary computer power as well as access to the data of our lives from the light cone. Or perhaps it will happen when we can utilize transtemporal deep neural scans (through wormholes), or even when we can simply apply enough raw computer power to recreate all possible people who could have ever lived.
I suspect that we’ll achieve the necessary amount of computer power long before the Omega Point, and that rather than being dead for one hundred billion years that we won’t be dead for any more than five hundred years. Artificial intelligence scientists project that $1,000 of computer by the year 2020AD will contain the computing power of one human brain (operating system and all memories requires around one thousand trillion bits – 10 15 - of storage).
There is a solid trend, over the past fifty years, of computer power doubling every two years or so. The recent part of this trend has been called Moore’s Law which is based on the fact that the amount of surface area of a semiconductor chip needed to code for one transistor reduces by half about every two years. This trend will end in the next decade or two as the area needed to code a transistor approaches the atomic scale. However, three-dimensional chips, carbon nanotubes, quantum computing technologies, and as yet unknown technological improvements should be able to keep that trend going almost indefinitely.
At this rate, by the year 2100 AD, $1,000 of computer will be as powerful as one trillion human brains, and by 2500 AD, $1,000 of computer power will contain the equivalent of one thousand trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion human brains – 10 63 . Since all the people who’ve ever lived numbers about twenty-five billion – 25 x 10 9 and each person requires one thousand tril-lion bits – 10 15. A total of 2.5x 10 24 bits is all that’s needed to code for all the people who’ve ever lived.
This still leaves plenty of capacity to code for the needed scapes for the Inferno, Purgatory and Paradise for all those souls. In fact, only a tiny fraction of the $1,000 worth of computer power of the year 2500 AD would be needed to code for all the people who’ve ever lived and the scapes for the Inferno, Purgatory and Paradise.
These projections are hypothetical and could be wrong by several orders of magnitude. However, from the point of view of the dead, it doesn’t matter. Whether a person is dead for five hundred years or one hundred billion years before their resurrection is immaterial as subjective time halts during the interval of death.
I also project that God will emerge long before the Omega Point because the networked com-puter power of the entire human race will be so massive, within the next five hundred years that His emergence will be unavoidable.
God loves you as we love our children. He wants the best for you but doesn’t want to spoil you. He wants you to achieve his status and will tell you, clearly, how to do it. He doesn’t need your belief or worship, but, He WILL judge your actions and reward you appropriately. You program your eternity by the way you live your life.
Purgatory and Paradise are states in Heaven, and Earth, not different places. The Inferno and Heaven are separate. When technically possible, all people who haven’t committed evil acts will be reconstituted in purgatory. You will be judged and you will be given your personal require-ments for advancement to Paradise.
Undoubtedly, by the time of the resurrection and inauguration of the Inferno, Purgatory, and Paradise, there will already be countless other scapes populated by numerous people and their doppels. The Church of the Modern Era will have designed and implemented the afterlife scapes long before they will be populated. Since there can be no good without evil, ying without yang, beauty without ugly, Heaven will include the full expression of the duality of human nature. Man the angel and man the beast will coexist in the next world as it does in this world.
To enter Paradise, you must first be forgiven by those you’ve intentionally or carelessly harmed and you must also forgive those you have torts against. Additional requirements might be as-sessed at Final Judgment.
There is a thousand to one Pay Back ratio in the Inferno. Knowing perpetrators of evil acts will go directly to the INFERNO after final Judgment. There they will personally experience each and every evil act they or their delegates have perpetrated one thousand times at the rate of once per month (about 83 years per incident of evil-doing). Afterwards they will be erased, unless forgiven by all their victims or absolved.
Unknowing or careless perpetrators of evil acts will also go to the INFERNO where they will personally experience each evil act they or their delegates have perpetrated one thousand times. Afterwards, they will go to Purgatory, and if they get forgiven by each and every one of their victims, they can attain Paradise.
Importantly, economics still applies in Heaven. Actions have consequences and Economics is one of the ways this happens. All you donate to recognized religions other good causes in cash, time, or kind will accrue interest in the HEAVEN’S BANK from the time of donation until you are reconstituted in Heaven. The rich in Heaven are the generous on Earth. The poor in Heaven are the selfish on Earth.
Sex is a nature’s gift to us and will be superb in Heaven. If nature didn’t want us to have sex it wouldn’t have made it such fun. Our bodies will function perfectly and comfortably and we will all be gorgeous. Happily, sex subroutines will be enhanced and jealousy subroutines will be turned off.
The chapters of Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso are a vision of what the Afterlife might well be like. Heaven will definitely not be about drifting around on clouds listening to harp music. In fact, it will be very similar to what your life looks like to you as you sit there reading this. You will be happy if you are happy, sad if you are sad, lonely if you are lonely, messy if you are messy, neat if you are neat, jealous if you are jealous, homeless if you are homeless and content if you are content.
Simply put, we will create God with the science and technology of the future. With God’s help, we will use that technology to design and implement an after-life that will bring final justice to all who ever lived on Earth – ecstasy for the good and pain for the evil.
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