As a Republican Red Sox fan I am outraged that Kerry is trying to ride their glory, especially in the advertisement aired in the middle of our celebration of our great victory in St. Louis last night. First of all, most Red Sox fans are Republicans as is the great Curt Schilling.
I well remember that LBJ wanted to defeat the Commies in Vietnam but the Pacifist Democrat establishment sabotaged him and the war effort and dishonored all Vietnam Veterans. This same thing would happen to a President Kerry if he tried to prosecute the War on Terror and Americans would die.
After watching Kerry’s 1971 Senate testimony on CSPAN the other night, it became obvious that he is a PACIFIST. Any objective reading of history will show that while Pacifists aren’t evil, that PACIFISM IS DEFINITELY EVIL.
I’m currently studying early twentieth century European history and the parallels to today are clear and terrifying. England was culturally controlled by Bloomsbury Group Leftwing Pacifist Academic Idealists (LWPAIs). These people were committed to unilateral disarmament in the teeth of the frantic military buildups of Hitler and Togo.
For example, a British Labor Prime Minister of the thirties was pushing for total disarmament “come what may,” exactly as Hitler was building 800 bombers with which he intended to pulverize London. This idealistic politician thought it would be “dangerous” and a great waste of badly needed resources to build any fighters at all, much less enough to defend the homeland from the second most vicious killer, after Stalin, in world history.
In another enlightening example, a group of prominent British clergymen wanted to travel to Manchuria and “place their bodies physically between the Japanese and Chinese armies” believing that their pacifist woo woos would somehow stop those murderers in their tracks and bring about peace and harmony to that sadly brutalized continent.
Today we still have LWPAIs and John Kerry is their leader. I fully expect to hear from some historically illiterate LWPAIs incredulously asking me “Do you really compare Osama bin Ladin to Adolph Hitler?” Well the answer is that your ancestral LWPAIs thought Hitler wanted peace and “Uncle Joe” Stalin was the most enlightened leader on the planet. These clowns are so blinded by their “beautiful” ideology that they are totally incapable of seeing the truth.
The work of these beautiful dreamers directly caused the deaths of scores of millions of human beings. How in the hell are they able to blind themselves to the evil they’ve done?
Around three or four million human beings were killed by Southeast Asian Communists directly as a result of the “work” of John Kerry and his supporters. Did anyone hear Kerry mention the wishes of the South Vietnamese peoples in his erudite but wrongheaded Congressional testimony?
The North Vietnamese murderers love John Kerry.
The Khmer Rouge murderers loves John Kerry.
Most of my Vietnamese friends hate John Kerry.
Two thirds of all Vietnam Veterans hate John Kerry.
John Kerry’s pacifist beliefs render him incapable of defending America.
This man is dangerous. He must not only be defeated, BUT HE MUST BE HUMILIATED.
To tell the truth, I don't think he has enough integrity to be a pacifist. Obviously, he didn't listen to his mother on her deathbed. (....integrity, integrity, integrity).
I don't know WHAT label suits him. I think he is a vain, shallow, pandering, creep that will tell anyone what they want to hear. He will also tell any lie that will gain him the approval of those he wants to impress. Additionally, I think he is so eager to be in the spotlight that he will go any extent to get attention. Even to the point of treason.
No, I don't think he's a pacifist. A pacifist has a belief system. This guy has nothing.
Posted by: cinderella | October 28, 2004 at 03:35 PM
This comment is in NO WAY a comparison of John Kerry to Sir Bernard Law Montgomery. Sir Bernard's name is used ONLY in the context of a quote by General George S. Patton, Jr., just prior to the Normandy Invasion in 1944. By most accounts, Sir Bernard was well liked and respected by his men and superiors alike, which is patently NOT the case with Kerry.
The British, Sir Bernard, et. al., always talked a great game of "lightning war" but could never quite pull it off. The "talk fast, fight slow" approach to war, as my father once told me (Normandy D+6, St. Lo, Paris 1944).
When General Patton was asked how Montgomery will do during the the attempt to close the Falaise Gap (between Caen and Paris), Patton stated that Montgomery ".....will jump out from behind his tree with all the fury of an enraged rabbit." At least one half of the German troops in the Falaise area escaped to fight another day (the Ardennes "Battle of the Bulge" at Christmastime, 1944 [how many thousands of American casualties?]) due to Montgomery's inaction and "talk fast, fight slow" philosophy. (He was always "consolidating" [whatever the Hell that meant] his forces and continually lost opportunities that cost lives in the long run)
Kerry strikes me as the epitome of the "talk fast, fight slow" and the dithering "consolidating" philosophies. He talks a great enraged rabbit's game by pontificating: "I shall not allow...(pick a topic)" then go right ahead and "allow" since he really doesn't have the courage of ANY conviction. HE HAS NO CONVICTIONS!!! Or, at least none he is willing to put himself on the line for.
This attitude as the Commander in Chief will not only cost American lives, it could very well, cost us the entire country!
He is a "Sad Sack" that is only worthy of carrying a pin on a stick for picking up trash on some military base's quad. Or, better yet, he should be in durance vile (brig, for you squids out there) for his crimes against our country and military.
All you "Sad Sack"s out there: please forgive for the insult!!
Posted by: Willik | October 28, 2004 at 05:07 PM
>>Around three or four million human beings were killed by Southeast Asian Communists directly as a result of the “work” of John Kerry and his supporters.
Yes, but what about the two to four million slaughtered by you and other dumb American kids turned into psychopathic killers by the anti-communist ideology? If you want a comparison to Hitler and Stalin, I'd pick Nixon over Osama Bin Ladin in numbers of victims alone.
And now I'm reading a lot of reports from Iraq about how there's a whole new crop of American psychopaths over in Iraq terrorizing and murdering those poor people.
Pacifists aren't evil. They don't do the killing. I think you should look in the mirror... who are the killers? Hitler didn't personally kill anybody so far as I know. But who were the soldiers who were willing to kill for Hitler's ideals? The same type of person who was willing to kill for Nixon's ideals in the 70s or the neocon's ideals today.
God please don't let my son get drafted into the coalition of the killing.
Posted by: Bonnie | November 19, 2004 at 10:32 PM
Strange to read this, John Kerry pledged to IMPROVE on Bush's war, not end it. The only problem he had was not enough Europeans participating to keep the niggers (Iraqis) down.
John Kerry was *PICKED* to help Bush get elected. Look up Bush, Kerry, and the CFR title. Beyond that, members of same private frat.
Democrats destroyed loudmouth Dean. No one heard Dean's holler (at a rally, no less), but the DLC destroyed him so Bush would only have to go up against milquetoast Kerry. Natch, the ABB crowd supported Kerry, but given the Republican paradigm, I can see how it seemed sane to reject him and keep Bush. Can't change horses in the middle of the apocalypse.
Posted by: gary | January 24, 2008 at 02:15 AM
Iraq, by the way, the country President Bush attacked to FREE them, not to kill them. Did only Lib-Dems miss seeing Bush wink when he said that?
Posted by: gary | January 24, 2008 at 02:17 AM