REPORT FROM THE FRONT DAY TWO – the Vietnam Veterans against Kerry demonstration at the DNC.
Double WOW! Around 500 folks gathered at Bowdoin Square. These guys were really ready to change history. While most of them were fifty something white guys like me, there were a few men of color and a significant showing from the Vietnamese American community including beautiful women and children and, of course, my enthusiastic wife Cindy and daughter Barbara Jeannette.
Just before kickoff, the organizers from kindly allowed me to address the crowd about my experiences earlier in the day. Two forty something friends of mine had seen me on TV the night before and asked me what we had against John Kerry. Each of them thought all Vietnam veterans loved Kerry. I explained that:
“To the best of my understanding, at least TWO THIRDS OF ALL VIETNAM VETERANS HATE JOHN KERRY and consider him a traitor who came home early and betrayed us.” I went on:
“They thought John Kerry was my hero.” And the crowd got angry.
I then said “They think John Kerry is your hero.” And the crowd exploded.
Then “IS JOHN KERY YOUR HERO?” And the crowd went wild.
A couple guys came over and hugged me and patted me on the back. My daughter came over and hugged and kissed me and announced proudly to the world “He’s my Daddy.”
Little Barbara then told me sincerely “Daddy, this is the beginning of my political career!”
A slightly plump and broadly smiling diminutive Vietnamese guy shook my hand and introduced himself “I’m Captain Nguyen of the Army of the Republic of Vietnam from the Mekong Delta.” Seeing me take up the pole on the right side of the same banner from the night before, he maneuvered behind me and said “Don’t worry, I’ve got your back.”
This night Bowdoin Square was cordoned off by the State Police. I have to say that throughout the exciting evening ahead that both the Boston Police and the State Troopers were MAGNIFICENT. These guys are the FRONT LINE DEFENDERS OF CIVILIZATION and they take their job seriously and they covered our flanks throughout the coming events.
So off we went marching towards the Fleet Center chanting
“Kerry Lied… and Good Men Died!” and
“HO… HO…HO CHI KERRY” and the responsive
“Can John Kerry be Commander-in-Chief?” followed by an enthusiastic “NO WAY!”
We marched into the famous “Cage” of iniquity to the cat calls and insults of the assembled anarchists. We then wheeled around and marched back towards the fence alongside the delegates’ entryway. This night it would not be so easy, even though we had the tacit and sometimes, not so tacit support of the police on duty. Firstly, a slightly grayed former flower child pretended she didn’t notice us and stood in the way of our large banner.
Then some scruffy America-haters linked up and stood purposely blocking our way. As resourceful veterans of this wonderful country we simply rotated the banner parallel to the ground and carried it over their heads ‘till we got to one thin line of scruffs and cops from the fence. Cameras of all kinds were all around us as we chanted our lungs out. It seems the more energy you put into your yells the more cameras you had in your face. I swear, at one point, I had a dozen big cameras with two feet of my face.
This cozy little section - with the banner sectioning off our little bit of the world’s stage was a perfect opportunity for people of differing points of view to enquire into the nature of truth and the facts of history.
The two questions I was asked constantly by people with and without cameras were:
“What brings you out tonight?” and
“What do you have against John Kerry?”
My answer was always “We’re here to tell the truth about John Kerry.” And
“While we honor John Kerry’s service in Vietnam for a couple months, we totally abhor the lies who told the country about us being war criminals while he admitted being a war criminal.”
Basically, the Democrat “Emperor has no clothes.” His entire campaign revolves about a few months in Vietnam decades ago; the circumstances of which are contradicted by most of us who were there and knew him.
He made it a disgrace for us to wear the uniform we were all so proud of. HE SAYS NOTHING ABOUT THE DECADES SINCE during which his only accomplishments were to con the gullible liberals of Massachusetts into voting for him repeatedly. His political record in office is totally devoid of any accomplishments whatsoever. He tacitly acknowledges this fact when he totally skips over his political career in his campaign.
The word then spread through our ranks that we were going to demonstrate in front of Kerry’s house on Beacon Hill. We then marched back to Beacon Hill, past the State House and on to Louisburg Square. The whole way we were escorted by State Troopers in riot gear that cleared our way through the various and numerous check points that stood in our way.
The confrontation at the fence in front of Kerry’s house is something I’ll never forget as long as I breathe. A line of Troopers in riot gear – black helmets with visors up to reveal the intensely hard stares beneath them, black body and leg armor with STATE POLICE emblazoned on their chests, each of them standing in the same hyper-manly parade rest posture, with their right hands clenched in glove-protected fists and their left hands grasping at the same angle their batons. Behind them were several Secret Service operators with intensely serious and erect demeanors headed by, I found out later, Kerry’s two closest personal guards.
Our leader wanted us to reenact Kerry’s famously phony throwing away of his medals over the Whitehouse fence, but the powers that be simply said “NO.”
Our fearless leader then politely asked if we could lean a poster with a caricature of Kerry on its face so we could symbolically throw away our medals at its foot. Kerry’s main body guard replied:
“We’re not going to let you place any picture on this fence.”
Our resourceful leader then segued into “OK, we’ll put his picture on the ground here.” Now speaking into his portable PA system “And since John Kerry supposedly threw his medals away like they were gum, we’re going to throw our gum on his face which we then did.”
Being totally bereft of gum, I beseeched someone to give me a piece and a considerate comrade kindly picked up a well-chewed piece for me to recycle onto Kerry’s face, symbolically, you know.
I then asked my crowd to give the cops three cheers to acknowledge the terrific professionalism with which they managed their difficult job and the boys responded enthusiastically. The whole time I perceived a comradely brotherhood between Boston and Massachusetts finest and us, their former brothers-in-arms.
The whole block was chock-a-block with patrol cars as we retraced our route back to Bowdoin Square. Back at Bowdoin Square a bunch of exhausted old men congratulated each other for doing our best to change the course of history to ensure the continued well being of our beloved America as GOD BLESS AMERICA spontaneously leapt from our lips.
Cindy and Barbara were tired, hungry and exhilarated. Cindy informed me that she and Barbara decided that we’re going to Washington for the planned KERRY LIED, GOOD MEN DIED march on September twelfth.
The question needs to be answered:
“How can a man hated by a significant number of his comrades be nominated by the Democrats? Can they really be so out of touch with real America?”
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